One of the main advantages of neodymium magnets is their high magnetic strength. Они су неколико пута јачи од осталих магнети сличне величине и тежине, чинећи их идеалним за апликације у којима су простор и тежина на премију. Additionally, neodymium magnets have a high coercivity, which means they retain their magnetization even in high-temperature environments.
Неодимијум магнети, такође познати и као НДФЕБ магнете, су врста ретких магнета са ретким земљама из комбинације неодимијума, гвожђа и бора (НД2ФЕ14Б). Ови магнети су невероватно снажни и постали су важна компонента у модерној технологији, укључујући електромоторе, звучнике, погоне тврдог диска и магнетне резонанце за снимање (МРИ).
Neodymium magnets are graded according to the material from which they are made. The higher the rating (the number after the “N”), the stronger the magnet and the higher the value. The highest grade of neodymium magnets currently available is N54. Any letters after the rating refer to the maximum temperature rating of the magnet Neodyn. If there is no letter after the grade, the standard temperature of the magnet is 80 °C. Temperature ratings are standard temperature (no letter) followed by – M (100 °C) – H (120 °C) – SH (150 °C) – UH (180 °C) – EH (200 °C) – AH ( 220 °C) C)°C) For example: if the working temperature is 100 degrees, you need to select the H gear, and the temperature resistance of the magnet needs to be higher than the actual use.
Neodymium magnets are graded according to the material from which they are made. The higher the rating (the number after the “N”), the stronger the magnet and the higher the value. The highest grade of neodymium magnets currently available is N54. Any letters after the rating refer to the maximum temperature rating of the magnet. If there is no letter after the grade, the standard temperature of the magnet is 80 °C. Temperature ratings are standard temperature (no letter) followed by – M (100 °C) – H (120 °C) – SH (150 °C) – UH (180 °C) – EH (200 °C) – AH ( 220 °C) C)°C) For example: if the working temperature is 100 degrees, you need to select the H gear, and the temperature resistance of the magnet needs to be higher than the actual use.
Neodymium magnets are graded according to the material from which they are made. The higher the rating (the number after the “N”), the stronger the magnet and the higher the value. The highest grade of neodymium magnets currently available is N54. Any letters after the rating refer to the maximum temperature rating of the magnet. If there is no letter after the grade, the standard temperature of the magnet is 80 °C. Temperature ratings are standard temperature (no letter) followed by – M (100 °C) – H (120 °C) – SH (150 °C) – UH (180 °C) – EH (200 °C) – AH ( 220 °C) C)°C) For example: if the working temperature is 100 degrees, you need to select the H gear, and the temperature resistance of the magnet needs to be higher than the actual use.